Mr. Philip Biswas, (Founder Executive Director, RRF) has been elected President of FIMARC International for 2024 to 2027. “FIMARC World Conference and Global Forum 2023” has been held in Chiang Mai province in Thailand from 24 September 2023 to 06 October 2023.
The acronym from of “FIMARC’’ is International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements. FIMARC was established in Fatima, Portugal by rural adult Catholic movements from various European countries who wished to discuss their thinking and action. The vocation of universality which has characterized the Federation from the outset brought it within a few years to take in movements from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Recognized by the Holy See as an International Catholic Organization, FIMARC is a member of the Conference of ICOs. As an NGO it has consultative status with Ecosoc, UNESCO, FAO and the Council of Europe. FIMARC comprises 60 member or associated movements, accounting for about 1,512,000 people, in 57 countries as follows: Africa (16), Asia (10), Europe (8), Middle East (2), and South America (21). The Federation also has over one million supporters worldwide. The objectives of FIMARC is to defend and promote the rural world through sharing and solidarity among rural people and peasants. FIMARC’s main working theme is “Food Sovereignty”. The concept supposes that the different movements are working on different challenges related to it depending on their specific realities.
The FIMARC World Assembly 2023 in Chiang Mai, Thailand was mainly focused on Food Systems Transformation and Sustainable Economy. This program was Organized by FIMARC International and co-hosted by Caritas Thailand, Caritas Chiang Mai, RTRC, Caritas Asia and AFC. This Program was attended by 80 delegates from participating countries from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Mr. Philip Biswas was first elected as a member of FIMARC Executive Committee, then as Asia Coordinator, and finally as President of FIMARC International for the next 4 years by vote of the Exco members.
Mrs. Pinku Rita Biswas (Deputy Executive Director, RRF) was his tour companion. From RRF 4 Officials took part in this event. It was a biggest multicultural global event. This achievement of Mr. Philip Biswas has enlightened and manifested the RRF family and internationally widened the scope of his work as a man of action.
Many Congratulations to Mr. Philip Biswas for this extra ordinary attainment.